Common Mistakes To Avoid After Launching an On-Demand Delivery App
Resources Blog Mistakes to Avoid After Launching an On-Demand Delivery App

Mistakes to Avoid After Launching an On-Demand Delivery App

Published on: April 25 , 2021 Updated on: July 2, 2024 Reading Icon 6 min read

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    By Akhil Yadav
    Akhil Yadav

    Akhil Yadav

    Sr. Product Manager

    Akhil is a product management professional with a diverse experience of leading B2B products, specializing in logistics, FnB and digital marketing domains.
He has a proven track record of driving product development from conception to launch, optimizing product performance, and delivering exceptional customer value. He loves to talk about the latest trends in technology, product management and logistics industry. 

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    You are an entrepreneur and want to launch an on-demand delivery app. That’s awesome. After all, mobile apps are the future of business. You call your best friend, pool in the seed funds, and hire an app developer if one of you doesn’t have the required skills. That’s how the wheels start moving in the right direction. 

    Fair enough. But before you decide to go down that route, find out how many delivery apps are already there on your preferred platform. A well-educated guess will place at least 500 more competitor apps similar to yours in the App Store, and the number will be significantly more in the Play Store. 

    So, how do you stand out from the competition? You cannot change the way apps are made; you can only improve the design and ease of usability. But even that might not be enough to take your on-demand delivery app to the top.

    What is the solution? Well, to be honest, there is no shortcut here and it is nearly impossible to receive miraculous success overnight. That is why you need to have a post-launch marketing plan for your delivery app

    Without further adieu, let us take a look at most important mistakes you have to avoid after launching your on-demand delivery app to improve your chances of becoming the preferred app in your segment:

    Ignoring User Engagement:

    The beauty of on-demand delivery apps is that you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on a marketing strategy. If you play your cards right, you can get the traction you need by engaging users and retaining your existing customers.

    Retain your paid users right away and keep them engaged through gamification and regular announcements. The more time users spend on your app, the better are the chances of repeat purchases. 

    Not Managing or Micro-Managing Everything:

    There is a fine line between being observant and being obsessed with something. While it pays to be observant, obsession never did anyone any good. Revenue generated is one the simplest ways to measure the success of your on demand delivery app but there are other metrics that contribute equally to the same. 

    The right measurement helps you find out if there are any missing features in your app, the people who are dropping off your app, total number of daily delivery app users and more. Some important performance indicators include:

    • Daily and monthly active users
    • Weekly or monthly retention rates
    • Lifetime value of customers
    • Average revenue generated per customer

    Be on top of your numbers but remember, don’t get too obsessed with them. If you spend too much time calculating every number on your app, you might lose sight of other important metrics that need to be managed.

    Not Leveraging App Update Section for Marketing:

    If your delivery app doesn’t talk about stuff in the update section then you will not encourage enough users to download or update your app. We all have dozens of apps in our phone and unless an update is well described, users don’t feel the need to go that route.

    Simply writing ‘bug fixes’ doesn’t make sense and will not convey any message to your users. Updating a delivery app won’t be a priority, but you can change this by treating your update section as a marketing channel for the app. 

    Tell your audience what has changed, how you have improved the delivery app and what benefits they will get by downloading the update. Also, you can use this opportunity to highlight any free trial offers and provide more direct means of communication with customer support.

    Here is an example of how Slack lists its updates to ensure everyone downloads the new version.

    Ignoring Customer Support:

    An on demand delivery app can have millions of active users but it needs to be backed up by a strong customer support team. Good service goes a long way in generating a positive word of mouth for your delivery app.

    Your marketing team should reply to user reviews and address their concerns personally to build a rapport in the segment. Here is an example of how you can respond to a disgruntled customer and start a relationship that will help them trust your app again. 

    Freedom to Choose Push Notifications:

    Push notifications are great but do not work for every individual. Too many notifications make a user skeptical about the on demand delivery app and can do more harm than good. The idea is for the users to enjoy your app and not get frustrated with it. 

    Create a push notification strategy that works with moderation and doesn’t force content down any user’s throat. 

    Lack of Personalization in Emails:

    Getting a review from users is the right thing to do but if you simply send out a generic email, chances are that the majority of users will ignore it. Personalizing each email seems like a daunting task but if done right it can add immense value to your brand. Here are a few things that your email should include:

    • Your on-demand app’s name and USP
    • A working link to Play Store/App Store

    Not Making Sharing Process Lucrative:

    Sharing is caring but when it comes to delivery apps, users will not share unless they have some incentive for it. You remember the days when people were sharing their Farmville or 8 Ball Pool achievements on Facebook and inviting more people to join the app. 

    It happened because by inviting more people they got benefits for their own base and that’s what caused the chain reaction of sharing. Small incentives go a long way. Offering benefits like Flat 10% off on your next order if you share with five friends is easily manageable for users and the action is completed most of the time. 

    Incentivize your users and encourage them to perform Like, Comment, and Share actions for your on-demand delivery app.

    Wrapping Up

    The on demand delivery app ecosystem continues to evolve at a rapid pace and if you wish to succeed in it, you must stay on top of your game. If you can avoid the pitfalls mentioned in this article, then you can definitely gain thousands of users in a short period of time.

    Get started right away! Create a checklist, check out whenever you successfully complete a phase and keep working on getting regular feedback from your users. 

    Timely updates will prevent your users from switching to a competitor delivery app and remember, every little detail matters.

    To know more about starting your own on-demand delivery app in easy steps, visit NetworkON today. Get in touch with us for a consultation today!

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